Backstrap Weaving with Deb Watson at October NOBO Meeting

Our meeting is tomorrow (Thursday October 27) from 7 to 9 pm

This month’s speaker is Deb Watson and she will be discussing/demonstrating Backstrap Weaving.

Up for business discussion is NOBO Handweavers Fibershed project, updates on our NOBO Handweavers flyer, plans for our Holiday meeting …
Contact Lady NOBO if you have anything you would like to discuss during our Business Meeting and she will add it to our agenda.

Please bring something for Show & Share. Sometimes we run out of time but I know we all enjoy seeing what one another and their loom (or wheel or both) has been up to.

One Reply to “Backstrap Weaving with Deb Watson at October NOBO Meeting”

  1. This was a terrific presentation.
    Deb made me feel like I had been to Peru too.
    The historical information was fascinating and the demonstration

    Thanks Deb!

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