
NOBO (North of Boston) Handweavers evolved from a spirited collection of fiber artists that gathered for the first time in April of 2008, to simply talk about weaving and see what the outcome would be.  We are now a committed group of over 30 members.

Please email us if you would like more information on the NOBO Weavers Guild. Please be patient, we will reply.

Our ongoing purpose is to bring weavers together as we form an ever-growing, supportive fiber community where members learn from and share with one another all aspects of the art of handweaving.  From historical to present day techniques, from nature-made to man-made fibers, from hand-held looms to room-sized looms, from beginner to seasoned weavers…. we all benefit from the variation within this group.  NOBO Handweavers offer an enticing program of events, by way of teachings that come from the depths of our members’ vast experiences, fascinations, and imaginations.  We regularly bring in diverse speakers involved in the fiber world, offering presentations that run a broad spectrum, such as the history of weaving and its antique textiles to the current interest in recycled materials.  We participate in projects that educate others about handweaving: our traveling exhibit that is installed in public venues, weaving demonstrations, and involvement with the UN declared International Year of Natural Fibres 2009.

Come join us as we meet on the fourth Thursday of each month, 7-9pm, location varies for now we meet at the Newbury Library in Byfield, Mass..  We occasionally meet offsite or on a different day and/or time other than our regularly scheduled meeting for some of the special events we hold during the year.  Please check with one of our contacts to confirm where the meeting is being held.   All weavers or those with an interest in learning more about weaving are welcome and encouraged to participate in the energetic endeavors of NOBO Handweavers.

Want to get started? Click below for the PDF directions on using this website. (File size is approximately 973mb.) The NOBO Handweavers Website Guide


This is the basic presentation Ted gave to members on May 27th.


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